Master Plan

The Master Plan and Design Guidelines was created to guide the redevelopment of the Railyard site as a unique Santa Fe district. Those authoring the document kept a keen eye on the past, while building upon the rich history of the railyard. Their intent was to bring the past into the present while emphasizing the Railyard’s importance as a center of transportation, an economic hub, and a focal point for arts and culture.

Because the electronic version of the Master Plan and Design Guidelines is a very large document, you have several choices when downloading to your computer.  Each chapter can be downloaded individually or, alternatively, you may elect to download the entire document. Click on the following link to begin downloading:

You may also download this document one section at a time (recommended). Use the links below to download each section (in order):

If you encounter problems downloading any of the above documents and would like assistance, please contact us.  When emailing, please provide a telephone number where we can reach you.